
Sorption Characteristics of Polymer Brushes in Equilibrium with Solvent Vapors

Lars B. Veldscholte, Guido C. Ritsema van Eck, Jan H. W. H. Nijkamp, Sissi de Beer, Macromolecules (2020)

While polymer brushes in contact with liquids have been researched intensively, the characteristics of brushes in equilibrium with vapors have been largely unexplored, despite their relevance for many applications, including sensors and smart adhesives. Here, we use molecular dynamics simulations to show that solvent and polymer density distributions for brushes exposed to vapors are qualitatively different from those of brushes exposed to liquids. Polymer density profiles for vapor-solvated brushes decay more sharply than for liquid-solvated brushes. Moreover, adsorption layers of enhanced solvent density are formed at the brush–vapor interface. Interestingly and despite all of these effects, we find that solvent sorption in the brush is described rather well with a simple mean-field Flory–Huggins model that incorporates an entropic penalty for stretching of the brush polymers, provided that parameters such as the polymer–solvent interaction parameter, grafting density, and relative vapor pressure are varied individually.

Polymer physics Computational Theory
Design, construction, and testing of an accurate low-cost humidistat for laboratory-scale applications

Lars B. Veldscholte, Rens J. Horst, Sissi de Beer, The European Physical Journal E (2021)

Stable and precise control of humidity is imperative for a wide variety of experiments. However, commercially available humidistats (devices that maintain a constant humidity) are often prohibitively expensive. Here, we present a simple yet effective humidistat for laboratory-scale applications that can be easily and affordably (€250) constructed based on an Arduino Uno as microcontroller, a set of proportional miniature solenoid valves, a gas washing bottle, and a humidity sensor. The microcontroller implements a PID controller that regulates the ratio of a dry and humid airflow. The design and implementation of the device, including a custom driver circuit for the solenoids, are described in detail, and the firmware is freely available online. Finally, we demonstrate its proper operation and performance through step response and long-term stability tests, which shows settling times of approx. 30 s and an attainable relative humidity range of 10–95%

Engineering Electronics
OpenHumidistat: Humidity-controlled experiments for everyone

Lars B. Veldscholte, Sissi de Beer, HardwareX (2022)

Humidity control is a crucial element for a wide variety of experiments. Yet, often naive methods are used that do not yield stable regulation of the humidity, are slow, or are inflexible. PID-based electropneumatic humidistats solve these problems, but commercial devices are not widespread, typically proprietary and/or prohibitively expensive. Here we describe OpenHumidistat: a free and open-source humidistat for laboratory-scale humidity control that is affordable (€500) and easy to build. The design is based around mixing a humid and dry air flow in varying proportions, using proportional solenoid valves and flow sensors to control flow rates. The mixed flow is led into a measurement chamber, which contains a humidity sensor to provide feedback to the controller, to achieve closed-loop humidity control.

Engineering Electronics
Vapor Swelling of Polymer Brushes Compared to Nongrafted Films

Guido C. Ritsema van Eck, Ellen M. Kiens, Lars B. Veldscholte, Maria Brió Pérez, Sissi de Beer, Langmuir (2022)

Polymer brushes, coatings of polymers covalently end-grafted to a surface, have been proposed as a more stable alternative to traditional physisorbed coatings. However, when such coatings are applied in settings such as vapor sensing and gas separation technologies, their responsiveness to solvent vapors becomes an important consideration. It can be anticipated that the end-anchoring in polymer brushes reduces the translational entropy of the polymers and instead introduces an entropic penalty against stretching when vapor is absorbed. Therefore, swelling can be expected to be diminished in brushes compared to nongrafted films. Here, we study the effect of the anchoring-constraint on vapor sorption in polymer coatings using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations as well as humidity-controlled ellipsometry on chemically identical polymer brushes and nongrafted films. We find a qualitative agreement between simulations and experiments, with both indicating that brushes certainly swell less than physisorbed films, although this effect is minor for common grafting densities. Our results imply that polymer brushes indeed hold great potential for the intended applications.

Polymer physics Computational Experimental
Scalable Air-Tolerant μL-Volume Synthesis of Thick Poly(SPMA) Brushes Using SI-ARGET-ATRP

Lars B. Veldscholte, Sissi de Beer, ACS Applied Polymer Materials (2023)

We present a facile procedure for preparing thick (up to 300 nm) poly(3-sulfopropyl methacrylate) brushes using SI-ARGET-ATRP by conducting the reaction in a fluid film between the substrate and a coverslip. This method is advantageous in a number of ways: it does not require deoxygenation of the reaction solution, and the monomer conversion is much higher than usual since only a minimal amount of solution (microliters) is used, resulting in a tremendous reduction (∼50×) of wasted reagents. Moreover, this method is particularly suitable for grafting brushes to large substrates.

Polymer chemistry Surface engineering
Pressure anisotropy in polymer brushes and its effects on wetting

Lars B. Veldscholte, Jacco H. Snoeijer, Wouter K. den Otter, Sissi de Beer, Langmuir, (2024)

Polymer brushes, coatings consisting of densely grafted macromolecules, have been known to experience an intrinsic lateral compressive stress, originating from chain elasticity and excluded volume interactions. This lateral stress complicates a proper definition of the interface and, thereby, of the interfacial tension. Moreover, its effect on wettability has remained unclear. Here, we study the link between grafting-induced compressive lateral stress in polymer brushes, interfacial tension, and brush wettability using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. A central result is that the liquid contact angle is independent of grafting density, which implies that the strength of the compressive stress inside brush has no influence on the wettability. Interestingly, though the interfacial tensions lack a proper definition, the difference in interfacial tension between wet and dry brushes is perfectly well-defined. We confirm explicitly from Young's law that this difference offers an accurate description of the brush wettability. It is demonstrated how these results can be explained from the fact that the compressive stress appears "symmetrically" in wet and dry brushes. We discuss our findings in the light of autophobic dewetting and point out the connection to the Shuttleworth effect for wetting on elastomers.

Polymer physics Computational
Millisecond-resolved infrared spectroscopy study of polymer brush swelling dynamics

Koen F. A. Jorissen, Lars B. Veldscholte, Matthieu Odijk, Sissi de Beer, Measurement Science and Technology (2024)

We present the study of millisecond-resolved polymer brush swelling dynamics using infrared spectroscopy with a home-built quantum cascade laser-based infrared spectrometer at a 1 kHz sampling rate after averaging. By cycling the humidity of the environment of the polymer brush, we are able to measure the swelling dynamics sequentially at different wavenumbers. The high sampling rate provides us with information on the reconformation of the brush at a higher temporal resolution than previously reported. Using spectroscopic ellipsometry, we study the brush swelling dynamics as a reference experiment and to correct artefacts of the infrared measurement approach. This technique informs on the changes in the brush thickness and refractive index. Our results indicate that the swelling dynamics of the polymer brush are poorly described by Fickian diffusion, pointing toward more complicated underlying transport.

Polymer physics IR spectroscopy Experimental
Wetting and vapour sorption of polymer brushes

Lars B. Veldscholte, PhD thesis, University of Twente (2024)

Polymer brushes are coatings composed of polymer chains grafted to a substrate at a high density, causing the chains to extend away from the surface due to overcrowding. These brushes are valuable for surface engineering, with applications ranging from anti-fouling and lubrication to tunable-wetting surfaces. Interfacial phenomena, such as wetting, play a crucial role in various applications such as coatings. While brushes solvated by liquids have been relatively extensively studied, intriguing and complex behaviours emerge when brushes are exposed to solvent vapours, such as water vapour. In this thesis, the wetting and vapour swelling of polymer brushes are investigated through a combination of computational and experimental research. A key focus is the behaviour of hydrophilic brushes in humid air. To facilitate these studies, a custom-built humidity controller was developed to conduct precise humidity-controlled experiments, enabling measurements such as contact angle, ellipsometry, and infrared spectroscopy.

Polymer physics